Wednesday, January 26, 2011


My dear African Brother,

When I first met you at the Washington Center for Academic and Internships Seminars two years ago, I knew you are a Patriotic Egyptian who can rise to the occasion.  When you call me the “Thomas Payne” of Africa for supporting the Tunisian cause, I was not offended; I thank you for the complements although you went further calling me names in Arabic which I couldn’t comprehend.  When ever I felt betrayed by a close confidant, I write down my thoughts in consolation to heal.  My encounter with you on that day gave birth to the January 17 article in my blog titled “Tunisians have spoken” which ask that citizens of other oppressed regimes to RISE UP.  When you called after the article was published and asked for reconciliation, I accepted. 
During our reconciliation Lunch on January 21at the Indian restaurant in Adams Morgan, we discussed about renown revolutions including the execution of Louis XVI in France on January 21, 1793, American Revolution, Russian Revolution, the first Military Intervention in Africa and subsequent others that followed due to the contagious effects, Civil Wars in Africa, Pro- Democracy Movement in China, Gandhi resistance against the British, Civil Right Movement of Dr. King, Women Right Movement and the Tunisian demonstrators that chase the coward Ben Ali out of Tunis, I knew you will become the “Thomas Payne” of Egypt. 
Remember, the main strategy against Forces of Brutality is non violence strategy of Gandhi and Dr. King.  The desert for non violent strategy is the tactic used during Women Rights Movement in the United States called “Refusal to go home.”  Keep on pilling the pressure and encourage all participants to use Skype, and other social media networks to expose the violence against demonstrators around the world.  Don’t ever under estimate the world’s opinion when it comes to human rights abuses.  Please be aware of Islamic fundamentalists because they are worse than the dictator you are trying to push out.  He had managed to consulate his hold to power for so long due to the strategic role Egypt is playing in the Middle East debacle.  I am certain this role can be more effective in a Democratic government that is transparent, and accountable to its citizens.
Africa has a generational problem, until the self proclaimed kings in disguised vacate office, their will be no respect for human rights and democracy.  We are there with you in sprit, and with unrelenting pressure, the dictators will be chase one after the other.  Two- Thousand and Eleven will be a year that will go down in history as the era when the African people finally grew up, and recognize the duties and rights they have in their states.  West Africans! What are you waiting for, the North is bracing up to remove the aching pre- molar tooth from the mouth by demonstrating perseverance against the pain it’s causing.  How long can you endure the mid- night pain caused by this aching pre- molar?
For French speaking West Africans that read this blog momentarily, the African Center for Transparency and Accountability (ACTA) is asking you to translate this letter into French and dispatch it around the rural and urban area coffee and cookery shops.  Rise Up!  Stand Up! Against your dictators, it’s not a crime to ask a leader that has ruled more than a decade to step down.  It has to be a unanimous effort by all citizens of a state to discourage charges of treason against organizers.  These destitute of common sense will soon realize that, they cannot manipulate their citizens any more.  They have to follow the example of term limit for leaders in Sierra Leone and Ghana.  Do you want to read history, or take part in writing one and change the course of a horrible history?
 It’s not always easy, but very soon the forces of brutality will soon realize that, their actions will never go unpunished.  They are citizens, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, uncles, nephews, aunts, grand fathers, and grandmothers before becoming a government agent.  They will one day come home and found that one of their family members has been murdered by their comrades in arms.  That will hit them very hard in their sleeping pillows, and will decide to join you in the revolution to uproot the pre- molar that is causing the pain.  Take the example of the pilot of Ben Ali in Tunisia, he refused an order to transport the family of Ben Ali to Saudi Arabia, and became an instant hero. You can also become a hero of your people by refusing to go to work for an authoritarian regime by joining the demonstrators in the streets of everywhere a dictatorship regime reins.
Good evening Libya, good morning Ivory Coast, Good afternoon Burkina Faso, how are you The Gambia?  Viva Tunisia, Viva Egypt, it is getting very contagious brothers, what are you waiting for.  If the Berlin Walls came crumbling overnight, the apartheid regime melted in broad day light, you can do it.  The world is watching and listening, you have more sympathizers than you think.
Finally, back to you my brother, it was courageous for you to travel home for this very noble cause.  You have indeed become “The Thomas Payne” of Egypt overnight.  Stay safe and don’t quit.  You guys have come too far to retreat.  Keep the woods burning and mount the pressure every day.
Long live Africa! Long Live Democracy!  Aluta Continua

Gershon Bai-Lama Bangura
African Center for Transparency & Accountability (ACTA)
All rights reserve

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